the lecture of that evening had been completely re-written. He then commenced his handle, and for greater than an hour completely enchained the eye of the audience, who repeatedly manifested their appreciation of his eloquence by their hearty applause . A Band of Italian Musicians, whose expertise was unsurpassed in their native nation, having lately arrived on this colony,

We believe it is the intention of a variety of gents to organise a concert to be given to M. Gassner in recognition of this philanthropic endeavour . The exertions of the liberal minded in the musical world, have added a considerable sum to the funds of this wonderful establishment during the earlier couple of weeks. It seems that the “Moonlight Promenade Concert,” given, with the kind permission of Colonel Waddy and officers,

Isabella MELODIA

this devotion of each faculty of the intellectual and emotional a half of our nature to the work in hand, is indispensable to the success of a composer who would rise above mediocrity. The type of Mr. Gibbs’s cantata is decidedly ecclesiastical. Half a dozen anthems may be constructed from its supplies. Generally talking, there is a skilful interfusion of the emotions expressed by the words and the music. It is, we think, deficient in melodic magnificence, the solos being somewhat of a declamatory character. The choruses are full, resonant, and inspiring, although the larger part of them appear to be in the minor mode.

in the lovely drama of JACK and JACK’S BROTHER, assisted by a number of gifted Artists, who’ve kindly volunteered their companies for this occasion solely. The Interlude will encompass SONGS, sentimental and comedian, together with DANCING, in which several of the seamen belonging to M.

Gabb then obtained maintain of his coat, and it was solely by major pressure that he released himself from his grasp. The insulting language complained of was handed, to the bench on a slip of paper. Constable Duffy, who arrested Gabb, gave corroborative evidence. Mr. Gabb denied the language imputed to him,

Australian Figure Skating Championship Results

The performances final night at this popular place of amusement commenced with Shakspere’s tragedy of “Hamlet,” during which Mr. Warner absolutely sustained the impression made by his first impersonation of thee character. The piece was as nicely put on the stage as could probably be expected in a provincial theatre, and handed off with great eclat.

A Biographical Register Of Australian Colonial Musical Personnel–g (ga-gly)

The man shall have an opportunity, sirs – prerogative I hold; The Royal word is sacred, sirs, and mercy could additionally be bold!” . Day after day remanded

We ought to add that the night time was beautifully fantastic; the moon shone with nice brilliancy, the sky was cloudless, and the breeze was so light as to be virtually imperceptible. Mr. Graves for plaintiff, within the absence of Mr. Brewer. The case was postponed from Thursday, owing to the absence of the defendant via alleged sickness. Mr. Graves mentioned he was instructed by Mr. Moriarty that Mrs. Reeves was still unwell, and unable to attend the Court. The Coiamissianer said he had heard that the defendant was not unwell, but was about city. Mr. Gard, the plaintiff assured his honor he saw Mrs. Reeves out yesterday.

Suddenly Solo, Granger Saves The Day

Tickets to be obtained at Mr. Sparke’s, Royal Hotel, and Mr. Ducro’s, Music Saloon, 28, Hunter-street. He went on to urge its adoption as the common property of all, from the king to the meanest topic, and he predicated that nice blessings would accrue therefrom. The rev. gentleman’s lecture, which was incessantly applauded during its supply, was eloquent, allegorical, and highly interesting all through.

Knew Mr. Hogue for many years; at all times found him a honest and very sober man; never heard something unhealthy of him; retains a really respectable home Traffic Controller MELODIA. Mr. Purefoy called as witnesses, Valentine Bridekirk, George Achurch, Thomas Abbott, the Rev. Frederick Wilkinson, William Lowe. Mr. Gabb, an old and experienced leader of orchestras, had been chosen leader of the society;

The programme offered a very reasonable night’s leisure in return for the small cost made for admission. Mr. Stoneham, Mr. Gabb, and other instrumentalists were engaged for the event. The vocal music was executed by a couple of members of the Temperance Society . The sacred live performance given on Wednesday evening by the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society was very properly attended, contemplating the very inclement weather, unhealthy roads, and also that the identical night had been most injudiciously chosen for the theatrical profit in assist of the hospital. Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kaye, who executed the completely different solos, in addition to Mr. Gabb, the conductor of the band, deserve the best praise for their exertions.