Elon Musk seems to be adhering to his pledge of releasing the Twitter algorithm open-source. The Twitter owner tweeted on Friday stating “Algorithm goes open source at noon Pacific Time”, which is roughly midnight in India Standard Time.

Earlier in February, when responding to a user on the Twitter network, Musk dropped a hint that he was considering releasing the Twitter code open source.

“Be ready to feel let down when our algorithm is released into the public domain the following week, but know that it will improve quickly,” he stated.

Algorithms and software are open-source. Anybody may alter and share Twitter’s tweet recommendation algorithm.

On March 18, Musk announced through Twitter that on March 31st, all of the code that Twitter uses to promote tweets will be made open source.

“Providing code transparency will be quite embarrassing in the beginning, but it should eventually lead to a significant improvement in the quality of recommendations. Above all else, we want to win your trust,” he continued. “Thank you for your consideration.”

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