During the day, many people prioritize their jobs. This causes them to have a lack of sleep and limited leisure time. Since their days are so hectic, the evenings are the only time they get to focus on themselves again. But this harmful pastime does more harm than good.

Ayesha, a corporate worker, is frequently overburdened. She has very little free time because she is constantly busy with household chores, meetings, and various tasks.

Ayesha resists going to sleep beyond 11 p.m. so that she can watch more of her favorite Netflix shows or check her social media accounts before having to get up for another hectic day.

Ayesha was engaging in “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination,” literally translated from the Chinese as “revenge stay up all night,” which is the literal translation of the term “bàofùxng áoyè.”

Could it be true?

According to a definition published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2014, “bedtime procrastination” is “failing to go to bed at the intended time, while no external circumstances prevent the person from doing so.”

“revenge bedtime procrastination” was created by journalist Daphne K. Lee and first appeared on Twitter. “People who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during the late night hours,” she said.

A few hours of fun and games at night can feel like sweet retribution after a hard day’s work. It’s concerning since it indicates poor time management, impacts health, and interrupts the natural sleep cycle.

Giving up sleep is not effective.

Completing unimportant tasks late at night out of spite is counterproductive. The pleasure from those sensual hours is fleeting. Instead of resting their bodies and minds at night, people are staying up late to watch too much TV and scroll through Instagram in fear. Inadequate sleep could result from staring at a screen late at night and first thing in the morning.

Continuous all-nighters may wreak havoc on your circadian rhythm. People aren’t getting enough of the restorative sleep that is vital to their health. Putting off going to bed out of spite can lead to:

  • Depression/anxiety
  • Threat to the heart.
  • Reduced resistance to illness
  • Obesity
  • Focus problems

Who is it that procrastinating going to bed most often serves to annoy?

People with high-stress jobs and a lack of work-life balance may also suffer from revenge procrastination in the evenings. Even insomniacs and night owls aren’t immune to the effects of punishment procrastination around bedtime.

62% of individuals don’t get enough sleep, with an average of 6.8 hours on weeknights compared to the recommended eight, according to the 2019 Phillips Global Sleep Survey, which received more than 11,000 responses from 12 countries. While sleep deprivation and stress both played a role, 37% of respondents said they were too busy with work or school.

When compared to men, women are more prone to delay going to bed. Bedtime procrastination is more prevalent among women and students, although it can affect anyone under pressure. The results of a second Polish study conducted in 2019 indicated that “the chance of severe bedtime procrastination is more than twice as high for females than for males.”

Younger members of Generation Y and Z are notorious for putting off bedtime.

Mornings of exhaustion. To what end?

People crave a few hours of downtime at night because they have so little of it during the day. Conscious self-control is essential. It’s not easy to change your ways of doing things. Thus, those who suffer from vengeance bedtime procrastination have a decent body clock and a strong desire to sleep, but their mind is not in control, as seen by their behavior.

Work-life integration also contributes to the phenomenon of “revenge procrastination” at night. Work-life balance is impacted because companies want remote and hybrid workers to be available around the clock. The only time of day, when you can squeeze in some personal time, is at night.

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