As more individuals transition to remote work, local business leaders believe Madison County’s location is ideal.

Recently, a new coworking space for remote employees has opened at the Flagship Enterprise Center.

Terry Truitt, the president and CEO of Flagship, stated, “We have heard that there are members who live in Anderson but work in Indianapolis and also work remotely.”

It’s a hybrid paradigm in which they sometimes go to the office and sometimes work from home.

This trend in Anderson reflects a nationwide and statewide transition in the workforce.

In January, according to a U.S. Census survey, nearly 75% of employees with a bachelor’s degree in Indiana reported working remotely, either full-time or part-time. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, by 2022, 35% of all employees in the United States will be able to work remotely full-time. That’s up from slightly more than 5% in 2018.

Rob Sparks, chief operating officer of the local Corporation for Economic Development, remarked that a significant number of remote workers occasionally visit an office.

He added that the co-working facility at the Flagship would be particularly appealing to those without a local office.

“After COVID, it opened up opportunities” for remote work, according to Sparks. “The co-working space in Anderson is an opportunity.”

Concerns about adapting to employees have supplanted concerns about the job itself for many business administrators. The old adage that happy employees are excellent employees has a new spin.

Truitt observed that home-based remote employees are susceptible to distractions from family and pets.

“Sometimes they desire a meeting location that is neither the office nor the home,” he said. We have shown some interest in this.

Truitt is aware of the fact that some communities have effectively recruited remote workers by providing relocation incentives.

He stated, “I am unaware of any organized effort in Madison County.” In Anderson, you can receive a tax abatement on a brand-new property, and the cost of living is significantly lower than in neighboring cities.

According to Truitt, Anderson is also known for its robust internet infrastructure.

“When you work remotely, you choose where to live,” he said. “Madison County is a very affordable and attractive location to work remotely and reduce living expenses.”

Sparks stated that the local economic development office has been marketing Madison County’s assets to remote employees.

“It’s about the quality of the schools, affordable housing, and lower cost of living,” he explained. “How do we entice people to move to Madison County?”

Sparks noted that the majority of Madison County has affordable internet service options, a crucial factor in attracting remote employees.

“Most people can find the service they need,” he stated.

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