Throughout the first trimester (months 1, 2, and 3), you could undergo many tests. Consult your physician to determine which tests are appropriate for you.

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Carrier screening for genetic disorders. This screening test determines whether you carry certain genetic disorders that might harm your unborn child by analyzing your blood or saliva. Being a carrier indicates that although you may not personally experience the illness, you do have a genetic alteration that you may pass on to your offspring. There is a higher chance that your unborn child will have the same illness if you and your partner are carriers. Before becoming pregnant or in the first few weeks of pregnancy, carrier screening can be carried out. You might be able to determine if your child has the disorder or is a carrier of it if the findings indicate that you or your spouse are carriers. Find out which carrier screening tests could be best for you by speaking with your healthcare practitioner.

Cell-free fetal DNA testing (sometimes called noninvasive prenatal screening or testing). This screening test looks for your baby’s DNA in your blood. For certain genetic disorders, including Down syndrome, the DNA is analyzed. The test is conducted following nine weeks of pregnancy. If an ultrasound indicates that your baby could have a birth defect or if you have previously given birth to a child who has a birth problem, your provider might advise the test. In order to validate the findings of this test, your provider could advise you to undergo a diagnostic procedure like amniocentesis.

Chorionic villus sampling (sometimes termed CVS). This diagnostic procedure examines placental tissue to determine whether your child has a hereditary disease. During weeks 10 to 13 of pregnancy, CVS is performed. If you are over 35, if genetic problems run in your family, or if the results of your first-trimester screening indicate that your unborn child is more likely to suffer birth abnormalities, your doctor could recommend that you undergo CVS.

Early ultrasound (sometimes termed first-trimester ultrasound). An ultrasound creates an image of your unborn child within the womb using sound waves and a computer screen. To confirm that you are pregnant or to date your pregnancy so you know how many weeks along you are, your doctor may utilize an early ultrasound.

preliminary trimester screening In order to determine if your child is at risk for certain birth problems, such as Down syndrome and heart disorders, this screening test consists of an ultrasound and a blood test. Usually, the test is performed between weeks 11 and 13 of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, what tests are conducted?

In your second trimester (months 4, 5, and 6 of pregnancy), your healthcare professional could recommend these prenatal tests to you:

Maternal blood screening (sometimes termed quad screen). This screening test examines your blood to determine whether your unborn child is susceptible to certain birth abnormalities, such Down syndrome. Because it tests four compounds in your blood—alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol, human chorionic gonadostropin (hCG), and inhibin A—it is known as a quad screen. At weeks 15 and 22 of pregnancy, the test is performed.

ultrasonic. An ultrasound will be performed by your healthcare practitioner between weeks 18 and 22 of your pregnancy. The ultrasound will measure your baby’s length and width and look for potential birth abnormalities.

Amniocentesis. A sample of amniotic fluid is obtained from the area around the infant during amniocentesis. The fluid is examined to check for genetic disorders or birth defects in your child. Usually, the test is conducted between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy. If you are over 35, if there is a family history of genetic disorders, or if your first-trimester screening indicates that your unborn child is more likely to have birth abnormalities, your doctor could recommend amniocentesis.

Glucose screening. This screening test looks for possible gestational diabetes in you. Some women get this kind of diabetes when they are pregnant. This test is given between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy.